Publications and Presentations

Book Chapters

Marynowsky, W., Knowles, J.,Bown, O., Fersuson, S. (2023).  Sonic Robotics: Musical Genres as Platforms for Understanding Robotic Performance as Cultural Events, Cultural Robotics: Social Robots and Their Emergent Cultural Ecologies, (pp. 219-235). Cham: Springer International Publishing.

Marynowsky, W., Knowles, J. (2016). Robot Opera: A Gesamtkunstwerk for the 21st Century. In Koh, J. , (Et,all), International Workshop on Cultural Robotics, 2015 (Vol. 9549, pp. 143-158). Switzerland: Springer, Cham. doi:10.1007/978-3-319- 42945-8_12

Conference papers

Marynowsky, W., Ferguson, S., Fraietta, A., Bown, O. (2020). The ghosts of roller disco, a choreographed, interactive performance for robotic roller skates. In TEI 2020 - Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction (pp. 631-637). doi:10.1145/3374920.3375284

Journal articles

Marynowsky, W. (2012). THE UNCANNY AUTOMATON. LEONARDO, 45(5), 482-483. doi:10.1162/LEON_a_00452

Conferences presenations

ICRA 2018: Forum on Robots and Art, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Brisbane, Australia.

RO-MAN2015, Robot Opera paper presentation at The 24th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, Kobe, Japan.