Robo Skate, 2020
The Ghosts of Roller Disco, 2020.

The project investigates how interactions with complex (biologically inspired swarming) behaviors of multiple robots are understood by human participants within a performative and dramaturgical system. Nonanthropomorphic robots in the form of roller skates are used in innovative ways by creating social formations from their movements, for example a leader and followers in a conga line. Synchronized audio signals and speech-like sonic structures are used in innovative ways by influencing and engaging the participant's interactions with the robots. Localization data of the robots in space is mapped to control the surround sound and lighting within the space. This is used to enhance audience immersion and engagement within the interactive performance work.


Artist: Wade Marynowsky

Hardware: Angelo Fraietta, Brendan Lamb, Nicholas Welsh

Software: Michael Gratton, Sam Ferguson, Alex McClung, Angelo Fraietta

Sound Design: Oliver Bown, Wade Marynowsky with vocals by Eve Klein

This project has been assisted by the Australian Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body.

Exhibited at Never odd or eveN (the TEI2020 Arts Track Exhibition), February 9–12, Tin Sheds Gallery, University of Sydney, NSW, Australia.

The Ghosts of Roller Disco, Tin Sheds Gallery, University of Sydney, 2020.