Bricolage Disco, 2010. ST PAUL St Gallery, Auckland, New Zealand
Bricolage Disco, 2010. ST PAUL St Gallery, Auckland, New Zealand
Bricolage Disco, 2010. ST PAUL St Gallery, Auckland, New Zealand
Bricolage Disco (live), Super Deluxe @ Artspace, the 17th Biennale of Sydney, 2010.
Bricolage Disco (live), Super Deluxe @ Artspace, the 17th Biennale of Sydney, 2010.
Bricolage Disco (live), Super Deluxe @ Artspace, the 17th Biennale of Sydney, 2010.

Bricolage Disco, 2010. ST PAUL St Gallery, Auckland, New Zealand
Bricolage Disco, 2010. ST PAUL St Gallery, Auckland, New Zealand
Bricolage Disco, 2010. ST PAUL St Gallery, Auckland, New Zealand
Bricolage Disco (live), Super Deluxe @ Artspace, the 17th Biennale of Sydney, 2010.
Bricolage Disco (live), Super Deluxe @ Artspace, the 17th Biennale of Sydney, 2010.
Bricolage Disco (live), Super Deluxe @ Artspace, the 17th Biennale of Sydney, 2010.
Bricolage Disco, 2010. ST PAUL St Gallery, Auckland, New Zealand.

Radios, lights, glassware, overhead projectors, suitcase, speakers, tape machine, signal generator, umbrella, buckets, computer shells, science junk, fish tank, black light, tonic water, wax beer bottle moulds, micro-controller, electronics, sound, custom software to sequence / switch 8 * 240V.

Wade Marynowsky spent a month at AUT as a ST PAUL St, CoLab artist in residence. During this time he collected obsolete technology and trash from around Auckland and combined these objects to create a choreography of machines, sound and light, activated through the intervention of digital technology.

Bricolage Disco straddles both theatre and 'live art' or 'performative media', causing technology to perform within a system and set of parameters that allow the work to continually unfold and evolve. Bricolage here refers to the construction or creation of a work from a diverse range of things that happen to be available, or a work created by such a process. Disco is presented through the autonomous 'performance' of the sound and light instruments and via a spinning guitar mirror ball made from smashed mirrors.

Review by John Hurrell @ EyeContact